Terms and Conditions for TechLooters.com

Start Date: 23-September-2023

Hi, and welcome to TechLooters.com. The following terms and conditions of use, along with our privacy policy, govern TechLooters.com's relationship with you in respect to this website. If you use our website, you agree to follow and be bound by them.

Agreeing to the Terms

These Terms and Conditions are the only rules that govern your use of TechLooters.com. You will not use the website for anything that is against the law or against these Terms and Conditions.

The rights to intellectual property

The brands, logos, and service marks shown on TechLooters.com belong to the site itself or to other people. Users are not allowed to use these marks without getting signed permission from TechLooters.com or the owner of the mark, if there is one.

How to Use the Site

You agree to use TechLooters.com only for legal reasons and in a way that doesn't violate anyone else's rights or make it hard for them to use and enjoy the site.

Content from Users

Users are responsible for making sure that any material or information they post on TechLooters.com (like comments) is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing on intellectual property rights, or hurtful to other people in some other way.

Warning of No Liability

If you access or use the website, TechLooters.com is not responsible for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect, or consequential), personal injury, or expense of any kind that you or a third party may experience. This includes losses that are caused directly or indirectly by your access and use of the website.

Links to other sites

External links may be given for your benefit, but TechLooters.com has no control over them and makes no claims about what they contain. You use and depend on any outside links at your own risk.

Changes to the terms and conditions

TechLooters.com can change these terms and conditions at any time. If you continue to use the website after changes are made, it will be taken that you agree to the changes.

Payment for damages

You agree to defend and hold TechLooters.com and its employees and agents free from all claims or actions brought against TechLooters.com because you broke these Terms and Conditions or because of other liabilities that came up because you used this website. This includes all legal fees, damages, losses, costs, and other expenses.


If any of these terms are found to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable by the laws of any state or country where they are meant to apply, then that term will be severed and deleted from these terms in that state or country. The remaining terms will still apply, be binding, and be enforceable.

Laws that apply

The law of the United States will rule and interpret these Terms and Conditions, and you agree to let the courts in the United States try any disputes that come up.

The Whole Agreement

These terms and conditions, along with any documents specifically referred to in them, make up the whole agreement between us about the subject matter covered. They replace any other agreements, arrangements, undertakings, or proposals, written or spoken, that we had about the same thing.

How to Get in Touch

Please email us at support@techlooters.com if you need more information or want to get in touch with us about these Terms and Conditions.